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What IS Breathe, Empower, Achieve anyway?

With the official publication date of Breathe, Empower, Achieve: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Women Who Do It All just one week away, I thought I’d share why the BEA framework is so important to our success as women. (Men can, of course, benefit greatly from it, too, though women face some fundamentally different challenges. I address that it the book.)

5-minute mindfulness allows us to pause and step off that nonstop, overwhelming hamster wheel of busyness in simple ways, without adding one more thing to our overflowing to-do list.

Because, if we remain on that hamster wheel we:

Cannot intentionally choose where we place our attention and in which direction we head

Have no space in our lives to dream bigger

Are unable to recognize what gets in the way of us reaching our goals

Live in a constant state of stress

Have no time or energy to create a life of balance and happiness

Ideally, we lay the foundation of a mindful way of life with a daily five minute guided meditation practice*, then sprinkle our day with what I call mindful breaks, which are reminders and opportunities in the midst of our full days to pause and bring our attention to what is happening in the moment rather than running on that exhausting hamster wheel.

There are three types of mindful breaks:

Breathe Breaks create calm and awareness.

Empower Breaks boost our confidence and courage.

Achieve Breaks help us find balance and success.

Each build upon and support one another in a mutually beneficial way. Breathe, Empower, Achieve is filled with fifty evidence-based mindful breaks, so you can select which one is most called for in the moment.

So, with 5-minute mindfulness we are able to:

Choose where we place our attention and in which direction we head

Choose how we respond to situations rather than react out of habit

Carve out space to dream big and identify micro-action steps to get there

Address limiting beliefs and barriers so we can move past them on our way to greatness

Create more calm, allowing for increased creativity, connection, and joy

Create a life of balance and success—whatever that means to you

What I have found in working with women for over two decades, is that when we empower ourselves and create life balance, we unleash the capability for incredible accomplishments and success in our lives. We deserve it; our families deserve it; the world needs it. Let’s all Breathe, Empower, and Achieve.

*If you haven’t already, sign up for my email list at and I will send you a free 5-Minute Guided Meditation, Guided Coffee Mindful Break, and Mindfulog.

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